The “Finance and Insurance Reloaded” (FaIR) Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP) of the Institut Louis Bachelier targets to foster innovations driven by new technologies (from Artificial Intelligence to blockchains) in the financial and insurance sectors. One of the means of this program is a series of workshops hosted by the ACPR.  The next issue of this series of workshops will be dedicated to “tokenization of assets”. 


Workshop “Tokenization of Assets”

If the emergence of bitcoins questioned the position of alternative currencies in multi-scaled economies, it also shed light on new technological components, like blockchains (or distributed ledgers) and the Ripple protocol. More than 10 years after Satoshi Nakamoto’s manifesto introducing crypto-currencies to the world, first implementations of Blockchain-inspired solutions start to reach the financial industry.

During this workshop, we will explore the potential added value of these solutions to the end-to-end processes of generating transactions, from on the fly creation of products to improvement of the post trade cycle.

We will welcome three speakers:

– Massimo Morini (Intesa San Paolo) on “Distributed Ledgers for Financial Markets”

– Jean Safar (Technical Advisor, LiquidShare) and Stéphanie Lheureux (COO, LiquidShare) on “Use case of LiquidShare as a post-trade solution for financial markets”

 Round table “Adding value to financial markets with the blockchain”.
Our panelists will be Thibaud de Maintenant (CEO, LiquidShare), Sébastien Choukroun (Manager of the Blockchain Lab, PwC France), Massimo Morini (Intesa San Paolo) and David Durouchoux (Forge Digital Capital Markets, co-founder and SGCIB). The debate will be moderated by Charles-Albert Lehalle (CFM Paris and Imperial College London).


ACPR 4 Place de Budapest, Paris, 75009